05 January 2025 By In IFIP TC12 Blog

Wish in 2025 Global Wisening progresses with focus on:

  • “greening” IT and AI,
  • combining the best of human and AI capacities,
  • more than ever, cultivating the art of critical thinking & smart problem solving and
  • Protecting the beauty of our Planet.

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Chair IFIP TC12 (AI) http://ifip.org/
Global Innovation Strategies

05 January 2024 By In IFIP TC12 Blog

Wish in 2024 Global Wisening progresses with focus on:

  • “greening” IT and AI,
  • combining the best of human and AI capacities,
  • more than ever, cultivating the art of critical thinking & smart problem solving and
  • Protecting the beauty of our Planet.

Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Chair IFIP TC12 (AI) http://ifip.org/
Global Innovation Strategies

27 September 2023 By In IFIP TC12 Blog
The Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability (AI4S) will be co-located with ECAI 2023 in Krakow, Poland. The workshop is scheduled to take place on September 30th and October 1st, 2023. Artificial Intelligence (AI) generates a twofold effect: it produces various kinds of waste and has the potential to help addressing the sustainability goals, produce smarter and greener hardware, software and applications. Sustainability requires solving complex problems, often with hybrid AI approaches. In parallel, knowledge is vital for successful innovation, facing environmental challenges, in smart cities, education and resource management, among others. Knowledge Management principles are also applied to energy life cycle, optimization, and combination of renewable energies for sustainable powering and heating. Raising prices of natural gas drives growth in renewable energies. Industries like steel, glass, chemical manufacturing sites are they are looking for AI based control systems for the Grid connected micro-grids. Circular energy explores the heat generated by data centers and the waste steam for a sustainable environment as like creating fish farms or agricultural sites, or recreating cooling water which are additional processes that demand AI-based scheduling using meteorological data. Clean energy solutions require evolution of manufacturing processes and holistic approach supported by rigorous analytics, high quality data and the recognition of infrastructure dependencies. This workshop focuses on the innovation for the sustainable energy and overall sustainability expressed by 17 UN goals. In order to increase sustainability in agriculture, it is vital to incorporate green technologies into farming, e.g., renewable generation. However, there are significant challenges associated with enhancing the sustainability of agriculture. This workshop will focus on utilizing AI to improve farming practices. The topics include, but are not limited to: Complex problem solving, conceptual modelling, knowledge discovery in data and multimedia documents, machine learning, decision support systems, optimisation of various resources, managing the best practice, risk management, simulation, learning systems including serious games, human-machine interfaces, knowledge mining in social networks, distributed knowledge, knowledge management applied to design, creativity enhancing systems, support of innovation and eco-innovation process, intelligent assistants, renewable energy integration, AI for agriculture, automation in renewable energy generation and distribution, decision modelling in agriculture, and agent-based and multi-agent systems in sustainability. Applications for eco-activities and AI applications supporting sustainable development are very welcome. Selected and extended papers will be published by Springer AICT (IFIP publisher). Workshop website: https://sites.google.com/view/ai4s
10 January 2023 By In IFIP TC12 Blog

Dear IFIP colleagues, members, committees and working groups, staff, our partners and stakeholders around the World,

As 2022 draws to a close, IFIP, the Executive Committee and I, would like to extend our Season Greetings and our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones this Holiday Season.

We are grateful for your personal inputs to the IFIP Mission – the socially responsible development and application of ICT for the benefit of humanity. Your invaluable contributions:

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