IFIP TC12 - Artificial Intelligence - IFIP TC12

  • About IFIP TC12

    TC12 “Artificial Intelligence” is one of the thirteen Technical Committees of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). IFIP was founded by UNESCO in 1960 to be an international, apolitical, independent organisation for information processing. TC12 was founded in 1989 and now contains nine working groups. A complete list of the other IFIP Technical Committees is on the IFIP site.



       Professor Eunika Mercier-Laurent [CReSTIC, University of Reims Champagne Ardennes, FR] [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]


      Prof. Nenad Stefanovic [University of Kragujevac, Serbia] [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]


       Prof. Elize Ehlers [University of Johannesburg, SAR] [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]


    Brief History

    TC12 was established in 1989, at that point Artificial Intelligence was already a well established and vital field, with its own journals, conferences and transnational organizations. The original aim of TC12 (which was revised in 1991) was to promote research in Artificial Intelligence and the interdisciplinary exchange between Artificial Intelligence and other fields of information processing. TC12 held its first meeting in Bruges, Belgium, May 31 – June 1, 1991. A primary objective for TC12 has since then been to build workable relationships with the existing organizations and to make clear that IFIP represents added value to Artificial Intelligence. The first chairman of TC12 was Robert A Meersman (Belgium) and he actively contributed to creating and shaping of the original five Working Groups:  

    • WG 12.1 (Knowledge Representation — established in 1990)
    • WG 12.2 (Machine Learning — established in 1990)  
    • WG 12.3 (Reasoning Techniques — established in 1990)   
    • WG 12.4 (Natural Language Processing — established in 1990, revised in 1992)  
    • WG 12.5 (Knowledge Development of Application — established in 1993)

    In 2003 Professor Max Bramer redesigned the working groups:

    • WG 12.1 (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
    • WG 12.2 (Machine Learning and Data Mining)   
    • WG 12.3 (Intelligent Agents)   
    • WG 12.4 (Semantic Web)   
    • WG 12.5 (Artificial Intelligence Applications)  
    • WG 12.6 (Knowledge Management)   
    • WG 12.7 (Computer Vision)

    In 2008 Professor Max Bramer reduced the number of working groups:

    • WG 12.1 (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)   
    • WG 12.2 (Machine Learning and Data Mining)  
    • WG 12.3 (Intelligent Agents)   
    • WG 12.4 (Semantic Web)   
    • WG 12.5 (Artificial Intelligence Applications)  
    • WG 12.6 (Knowledge Management)

    In 2010 Professor Tharam Dillon redesigned the working groups as follows

    • WG 12.1 (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
    • WG 12.2 (Machine Learning and Data Mining)
    • WG 12.3 (Intelligent Agents)
    • WG 12.4 (Semantic Web)
    • WG 12.5 (Artificial Intelligence Applications)
    • WG 12.6 (Knowledge Management)
    • WG 12.7 (Social Networking Semantics and Collective Intelligence)
    • WG 12.8 (Intelligent Bioinformatics and Biomedical Systems)
    • WG 12.9 (Computational Intelligence)

    Key Dates

        TC12 Committee established
    1989 – 1995
        Chair: Prof. Dr. Robert A. Meersman
        Aims and scope for TC12 revised
    1995 – 1997
        Chair: Professor Luigia Carlucci Aiello
    1996 – 2002
        Webmaster: Dan O'Leary
    1997 – 2003
        Chair: Professor Dr. Bernd Neumann
    2003 – 2009
        Chair: Professor Max Bramer
    2009 – 2015
        Chair: Professor Tharam Dillon
    2015 – 2018
        Chair: Professor Ulrich Furbach
    2019 – 
        Chair: Professor Eunika Mercier-Laurent

  • Aims and Scope of TC12


    • To foster the development and understanding of Artificial Intelligence and its applications worldwide.
    • To promote interdisciplinary exchanges between Artificial Intelligence and other fields of information processing.
    • To contribute to the further development of IFIP as the international body for Information Processing, and to achieving its overall aims and objectives.



    Artificial Intelligence covers a wide range of techniques, which can be applied to a very wide range of application areas. Its subfields include (but are not restricted to) the following:

    •     Automated Reasoning
    •     Belief Revision
    •     Case-Based Reasoning
    •     Computer Vision
    •     Constraint Satisfaction
    •     Data Mining
    •     Evolutionary Algorithms
    •     Intelligent Agents
    •     Intelligent Planning and Scheduling
    •     Intelligent Robotics
    •     Knowledge Acquisition
    •     Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
    •     Knowledge Engineering
    •     Knowledge-Based Systems
    •     Knowledge Management
    •     Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    •     Machine Learning
    •     Machine Translation
    •     Model-based Reasoning
    •     Natural Language Processing
    •     Neural Nets
    •     Pattern Recognition
    •     Qualitative Reasoning
    •     Search
    •     Semantic Web
    •     Temporal Reasoning
  • Countries Representatives of TC12


    Norway Prof. Agnar Aamodt [Norwegian Computer Society]
    Argentina Prof. Analía Amandi [SADIO, Argentina]
    UK Prof. Max Bramer [British Computer Society]
    Croatia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [University of Zagreb, Croatia]
    Italy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Associazione Italiana per I' Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico]
    Portugal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.[Portuguese Guild of Enigeers]
    Portugal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.[Portuguese Association of AI & Chair WG 12.3]
    Australia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Australian Computer Society]
    Australia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Chair WG 12.8]
    Lithuania This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Lithuanian Computer Society]
    Germany This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Chair WG 12.1 - Germany Representative]
     Hungary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [John von Neumann Computer Society (JvNCS, NJSZT), Hungary]
    Slovenia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA]
    Finland Prof. Timo Honkela [Finnish Information Processing Association]
    Austria Prof. Andreas Holzinger [HCI-KDD]
    New Zealand This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [New Zealand Computer Society]
    Netherlands Prof. Joost Kok [The Netherlands [NGI]]
    Greece Dr. Ilias Maglogiannis [Greek Computer Society (GCS)& Ghair WG 12.5]
    Denmark This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [The Danish Federation for Information Processing (DANFIP)]
    Ireland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Chair WG 12.7]
    France This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [France [AFIA] & Chair WG 12.6]
    Slovakia Peter Lacko [Slovak University of Technology]
    Japan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    IEEE Prof. Daniel E. O'Leary [IEEE Computer Society]
    ACM Prof. Andrea Omicini [Association for Computing Machinery [ACM]]
    Belgium Prof. dr. Dirk Van den Poel [Fed. des Assoc. Informat. de Belgique FAIB-FBVI]
    Sweden Prof. Erik Sandewall [Swedish Information Processing Society]
    Bulgaria This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Bulgarian Academy of Sciences]
    China Prof. Zhongzhi Shi [Chinese Institute of Electronics & Chair WG 12.2]
    Serbia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [TC 12 Vice-Chair]
    Serbia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Serbian Society for Informatics]
    Colombia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Centro Latinoamericano De Estudios Info]
    Czech This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics]
    South Africa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Institute Information Technology Professional South Africa (IITPSA)]
    Poland Prof. Roman Slowinski [Poznań University of Technology, Poland]
    Brasil Prof. André C. Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho [Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of São Paulo at São Carlos, Brasil] 
    IFIP President Anthony Wong
  • Guidelines for the TC12 Committee

    Composition of the Committee

    The IFIP TC12 Technical Committee is composed of:

    • one representative appointed by each Full Member of IFIP;
    • one or more representatives recommended by the TC and accepted by the relevant Full Member of IFIP;

    Both of these categories of members will be appointed by the Technical Committee Chairman, have full voting rights and are eligible for elections as officers.

    • any number of persons (not exceeding 25% of the total TC membership) who possess expert or specialist knowledge, who need not be members of an IFIP Member organization.

    Such persons will be appointed by the Technical Committee Chairman on the recommendation of the TC. They will have no formal vote nor be eligible for election as officers of the Committee.

    • Working Group Chairs are ex-officio members of the Committee for the duration of their terms of office, with full voting rights.

    The Chairman of TC12 must be recommended by the TC and is appointed by the President of IFIP. The Chairman must be a member of the TC, shall serve for a term of three years and may be re-appointed for one additional term.

    The Chairman of TC12 may designate a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary with the approval of the TC. The Vice-Chairman must be a member of the TC, shall serve for a term of three years and may be designated for one additional term. The term of office for Secretaries is three years which may be renewed without any limitation.

    Responsibilities of National Representatives

    The mission of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is to be the foremost international organization encouraging and assisting in the development, exploitation and application of Information Technology for the benefit of all people. To achieve this, IFIP has organized twelve Technical Committees that facilitate the investigation and forward progress of Information Processing.

    Dedicated and productive participation in the various Technical Committees is critical to success. Each member of a Technical Committee has an obligation to work towards achieving the specific individual goals of the Technical Committee and its Working Groups. In particular, National Representatives on Technical Committees are required to be active researchers in the field relevant to the particular Technical Committee and to be actively interested in the promotion of the global mission and goals of IFIP in general and of the Technical Committee in particular.

    The following outlines particular responsibilities of National Representatives:

    • Meetings of the Technical Committee
      • To attend scheduled meetings on a regular basis or provide prior notification of planned absence.
      • To provide the Technical Committee with occasional reports on relevant discoveries, activities and events in their home countries.
    • Technical Committee Activities
      • To participate in Technical Committee events and activities.
      • To assist with the identification of areas of advancement and improvement supporting continuation of IFIP s global mission and goals.
      • To provide information about individual research communities, activities and events in their home countries when requested by people seeking information for Technical Committee conferences or publications.
    • In Their Home Countries
      • To promote the innovations of technology and pertinent R&D activities from the Technical Committee to their professional fields and other organizations in their home countries.
      • To promote collaboration and involvement between the Technical Committee Working Groups and their national communities including educational institutions, professional organizations and personal affiliations.
      • To encourage involvement and knowledge-sharing amongst scientists and experts in the corresponding relevant fields of the Technical Committee in their home countries.
      • To nominate and suggest appropriate subject experts when required by representatives of the Technical Committee and/or Working Group Conference Program Chairs for a conference organized in their countries.
      • To identify and nominate individuals in the technical community of their home countries to serve on Working Groups of the Technical Committee.
  • TC12 Committee Meetings

    The IFIP TC12 normally meets annually at a major conference such as the IFIP World Congress or IJCAI.

    Previous Meetings

          Held on August 22nd 2017 at the RMIT University City Campus and via video conference call.

          Held on July 13th 2016 at the New York Hilton Midtown Hotel and via video conference call.

          Held on November 16th 2015 via video conference call. See the Meeting Minutes.

          Held on September 10th 2015 in Wien, Austria.

    2013 (9th September 2013 at Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria from 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM).
            1. Confirmation of minutes from the last meeting
            2. Update on TC12 website
                  •    Reflecting the current officers and member lists of TC12 WGs on the official web page
                  •    New TC12 webpage https://sites.google.com/site/tc12ifip/home
            3. Reports from Working Groups
            4. Report of events not covered by Working Groups
            5. Summer school
            6. Finances
            7. Suggestions for future events and activities
            8. Any other business

          Held on September 26th 2012 at Amsterdam, Netherlands in conjunction with the 22nd IFIP World Computer Congress
          Held on October 17th 2011 at Crete, Greece in conjunction with the  2011 OnTheMove Federated Conferences & Workshops
           Held during  September 20 to September 23, 2010 at Brisbane, Australia in conjunction with World Computer Congress WCC 2010.
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece, on Friday 24 April 2009
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Milano, Italy, on Tuesday 9 September 2008
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Athens, Greece, on Thursday 20 September 2007
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Santiago, Chile, on Wednesday 23 August 2006
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Tuesday 2 August 2005
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Toulouse, France, on August 26th 2004
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Acapulco, Mexico, on August 12, 2003
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Montreal, Canada, on August 29, 2002
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Seattle, USA, on August 6, 2001
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Beijing, China, on August 24, 2000
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, on August 2, 1999
        Minutes of the TC-12 Meeting on the Danube/Komáron, Hungary on September 2, 1998
        Minutes of the TC12 meeting held in Nagoya, Japan, on August 25, 1997


    The TC12 “Artificial Intelligence” Committee is one of the IFIP Technical Committees. For a brief presentation on IFIP click here.

    IFIP is a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization of national societies working in the field of information processing. IFIP's principal aims are to foster international cooperation, stimulate research and development, encourage education and disseminate information. IFIP's mission is to be the leading, truly international, apolitical organization that encourages and assists in the development, exploitation and application of IT for the benefit of all people. It was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO and holds consultative partnership status.

  • TC12’s Working Groups

    The TC 12 working groups operate independently with their own aims and objectives. The TC12 working groups are:

    • WG 12.1 – Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    • WG 12.2 – Machine Learning and Data Mining
    • WG 12.3 – Intelligent Agents
    • WG 12.4 – Semantic Web (closed)
    • WG 12.5 – Artificial Intelligence Applications
    • WG 12.6 – Knowledge Management
    • WG 12.7 – Social Networking Semantics and Collective Intelligence
    • WG 12.8 – Intelligent Bioinformatics and Biomedical Systems (closed)
    • WG 12.9 – Computational Intelligence
    • WG 12.10 - Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science
    • WG 12.11 - Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Sustainability
    • WG 12.12 - AI Governance
    • WG 12.13 - AI for Global Security
    • WG on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (Joint WG with TC 13)

    Follow the links on the main menu (Working Groups) for details of each working group.

  • Welcome

    Welcome to the website of TC12, the International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is one of the oldest and most exciting subfields of computing, covering such areas as intelligent robotics, intelligent planning and scheduling, model-based reasoning, fault diagnosis, natural language processing, machine translation, knowledge representation and reasoning, knowledge-based systems, knowledge engineering, intelligent agents, machine learning, neural nets, genetic algorithms and knowledge management.

    TC12 was formed back in 1989. It now has members representing 33 national computer societies, together with representatives of the ACM and the IEEE, and has six working groups covering major topics in AI.
    EunikaIn recent years TC12 and its Working Groups have sponsored or co-sponsored a range of events worldwide. Details of some of these are given on this website. It has also made major contributions to recent IFIP World Computer Congresses.

    As Chair my aim is to build on this excellent foundation by expanding our conference programme, strengthening our working groups and developing a number of other initiatives in the next few years. If you are interested in becoming involved in TC12 activities please contact either me me [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] or the Committee's secretary, Prof. Elize Ehlers [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].

    Prof. Eunika Mercier-Laurent