IFIP TC12 - Artificial Intelligence - Energy

  • WG 12.11 – AI for Energy and Sustainability



    Prof Gülgün Kayakutlu, ITU (Instanbul Technical University), Turkey, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Prof. Georgious Saharidis, University of Thessaly, Greece  e-mail: sThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

    Prof. Berker Yurtseven, ITU Energy Institute, Turkey

    Prof. Ali Ghofrani, Qatar University, Qatar


    Irem Dûsdar, Düzce University, Turkey, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    This WG will have the specific objective of using AI for improving the management of energy systems and providing sustainability with smart cities, smart facilities, smart buildings, smart transportation and smart houses. Decision support systems, planning and optimization in the above-mentioned subjects require understanding of related systems, modelling, applying appropriate AI techniques including machine learning algorithms and handling temporary aspects of big data.

    Energy generation, transmission, distribution, sales and consumption need separated focus with the energy mix optimization, distributed approaches, renewable energies with storage. Any short-term, mid-term and long-term forecasting, optimization models, trend foresights and prescriptions based on scenarios are studied in the energy world and the smart systems for sustainability. This group will bring together researchers and practitioners inventing and experimenting the various artificial intelligence techniques for energy (traditional and renewable) lifecycle.

    The ultimate goal of the group is to bring a contribution to sustainable life. The founding members ambition in improvement and expansion of Energy Sustainability and Climate Change (ESCC) conferences.


    Intelligence in energy is a very important issue for energy management, production and consumption. To face climate change, the attitudes of all involved actors have to evolve.

    We would like to promote the wise use of energy and intelligent techniques to manage it, an alternative way of considering energy from various perspectives and as a system component of our natural ecosystems.


    Berker Yurtseven

    ITU Energy Institute, Dr.


    Ali Ghofrani

    Qatar University, Dr.


    Vítězslav Máša

    Brno University of Technology, Professor

    Czech Republic

    İzzet Alp Gül

    Global Ports Holding Plc.

    United Kingdom

    Avni Özözen

    ENERJISA, expert


    Burak Gökce

    ENGIE, GEM European Countries, Expert


    Ufuk Akdag

    IDEA Learning Technologies, A.Ş., Manager      


    Haydar Haldun Ünlü    

    ICRON Technologies, R&D, Expert
